Welcome to "Pug Luv"

Michigan Pug Rescue
"Pug Luv"
the one with the heart

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Last Updated:
3/2/2025 4:44 PM


Animal Success Stories
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© Copyright 2018 Michigan Pug Rescue, Pug Luv. All Rights Reserved.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

I Love Lucy! One of our pugs, Lucy who is 7 was recently diagnosed with cancer. She went to the vet hospital for some dental surgery and the vets found a large tumor on her jaw. My husband and I adopted her three years ago - our third from Michigan Pug Rescue. Lucy is the funniest little pug and has brightened our lives and the lives of the many people who have met her here in Philadelphia. I laugh almost daily watching her crazy antics and realize that she is one of the best stress busters around! We want the best for Lucy and decided because her quality of life is still excellent (she eats, plays and performs her regular activities with zest), we wanted to keep her happy and avoid chemo or radiation which would have serious side effects and possibly affect her eating since the tumor is located on her jaw. She is on a pain medicine and another medicine that the vets believe will slow the growth of the tumor. We're not sure how long she has with us, but she is definitely enjoying life, being spoiled and just having fun. Lucy has always loved barking at the animals on tv, or at anything she finds interesting. As I write this, she is paying a lot of attention to the tv, communicating with the screen! After a little tv watching, she has now just grabbed one of her toys and is quietly holding it and making a calming purring noise. This is soothing to her and even more so to me because I know she feels great today! God Bless, Gina Blyther Gilliam

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