Welcome to "Pug Luv"

Michigan Pug Rescue
"Pug Luv"
the one with the heart

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Last Updated:
8/29/2024 3:48 PM


Animal Success Stories
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© Copyright 2018 Michigan Pug Rescue, Pug Luv. All Rights Reserved.

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

We adopted pugs Micky and Rocky from the Michigan Pug Rescue in July 2004. They were adorable. Micky, who had only one eye was a cute, smart 4 year old and his brother Rocky was an adorable, energetic, sweet 7 year old. Even though my husband Terry and I live in Philadelphia, and the Pugmen were near Detroit, we had no problem driving to Michigan to adopt them. Ironically, someone in Michigan loved the movie Rocky and named the pugs after "Rocky" the fighter and "Micky" the coach/manager in the movie. The Rocky films are all based and filmed in Philadelphia where we live. I thought it only fitting to tour the Pugmen around the city when they first arrived. I took photos of them in front of the "Rocky steps" which is the Philadelphia Museum of Art and Rocky the Pugman got a chance to meet the real Rocky. Well, it wasn't the real one, but the statue of "Rocky"! The Pugmen traveled with us on vacation and stayed at nice places in Delaware and VA. A few years later, Rocky the older pug developed cancer and passed away in November 2007. We were so sad and so was Micky. For about a year, we focused our attention on spoiling Micky even more since he was alone. We then began discussing adopting another pug. In October 2008, we returned to the Michigan Pug Rescue to adopt an adorable little Puglady named Lucy. Lucy was 3 when we adopted her. We love her and she and Micky get along well. When she first arrived, Micky was determined to make Lucy "his lady", but Lucy loudly and physically reminded him that she was his sister! Micky finally accepted his sister Lucy who is a ball of energy. Lucy has a thing about the tv. If she sees an animal, specifically horses, dogs or cats on tv she runs up to the tv and jumps on the stand (front paws on stand) and standing on her two hind legs, puts her face up to our 42 inch high definition tv and whines (she use to bark, but now whines) and it is hilarious. She believes she has to get the animals out the box! Our dogs go for "rides" regularly, to the dog park, state park, city park and the wildlife refuge. They are truly our companions and we wouldn't trade them for the world. It's wonderful how from day one Micky seemed to love me the most and I am his human although he really loves my husband. Rocky was my husband's buddy. When he died, my husband didn't have an animal companion although Micky tried to fill the void. When Lucy came, she immediately sensed my husband needed her and she is totally "Daddy's little girl" although she loves me too! Yes our pugs snore and snort and eat faster than my 185 pound St. Bernard ever did. But, after a stressful day at work, coming home to the Pugpeople is always great! They love us, sleep with us and get along with our cat and box turtle. We're so glad we adopted them! Gina Gilliam - Pugs

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